VIP Rooms | VIP in the house

VIP Rooms | VIP in the house

They are very Important persons of the house so are always given priority. The front desk gives advance information to Housekeeping about the arrival of any VIP. 

They are given extra amenities by hotel and the room is double check before assigning . Different assorted pastries , chocolates, flower arrangement are provided along with complimentary fruits .

VIP are normally four types in hotel . They are classified according to their status

1. VIP I :

They are the head of states , ministers and celebrities. Special security and attention is provided to them

2. VIP II :

They are president and CEO of large companies, well known personalities and high ranking official.

3. VIP III :

They are regular and repeated guest of the hotel and people known personally to the Management or director of the hotel.

4. VIP IV :

They are handle with care guest and certain people known to the hotel managers.

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